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unity多人卡牌游戏项目收藏集换式卡片创立系统源码CCG Kit v1_10


所支持的Unity版本:2017.4.0 及以上版本


A complete multiplayer collectible card game kit. 

This asset is a great starting point to develop your own multiplayer CCG/TCG and also to learn about how such a project can be architected and implemented. 
Server-authoritative multiplayer functionality leveraging UNET. 
Integrated editor that allows to specify the game's fundamental properties and create new cards in a visual way. 
Includes complete demo game in the spirit of the genre's classics. 
Includes single-player mode against AI. 
Game user interface that makes extensive use of Unity's UI system. 
Complete and extensively documented C# source code. Customers have access to the private GitLab repository of the project. 
Includes official integration with Master Server Kit for dedicated server setups (Master Server Kit needs to be purchased separately). 
Complete set of unique graphics designed by ricimi. 









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